Pneumatic models!

Today, Y3 were set a challenge to build a model that moved.

We used syringes and plastic tubing to create a pneumatic system. When one syringe is pushed, the air travels through the tube and pushes the other syringe out.


Llearna, Isabella, Dominik and Lewis made a little mouse pop up from a dumping ground full of rubbish.


Lily, Dominika, Riley and Lewis made a witch fly out of her haunted house!


Sidra, Anya, Alfie and Jamie created a rude minion that sticks his tongue out!


Alfie, Megan, Ruby and Callum made a little worm that pops out of the grass.


Evie, Patrick, Nathan, Nour and Assy made a fire breathing dragon pop out of their castle!


Cormac, Evan, Alex and Elizabeth made a zombie pop out of a coffin in a graveyard!


Ella, Mya, YiYang and Kallum created a haunted house with a spooky ghost!

The class worked really well whilst designing and creating their models. Thank you to those who donated materials for our task!

Miss Ellis 🙂

Science and art week in Y3!

This week we have been extremely busy!

Not only did we have our wonderful class assembly, we have been doing lots of fun and exciting things in our art and science lessons! We tried to link most of our art and science to our current topics about Earth and natural disasters or light.

First, to link with our ‘What makes the earth angry?’ geography topic, we used straws to create blow-paint pictures of erupting volcanoes.

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Next, we sculpted our own clay volcanoes and then when they had dried we painted them.

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We then used water, washing up liquid, red food dye, bicarbonate of soda and vinegar to create a chemical reaction and make them erupt lava!

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Then, we made colourful salt dough models of the Earth. When we cut them in half we could see the Earth’s layers (inner core, outer core, mantle and crust).

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We have also looked at light and shadows to link with our science topic! We have learned what it’s like to be in complete darkness, which objects are light sources and how shadows are made!

We then made our own shadow puppets and put on our very own shadow shows!

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We had lots of fun!


Year 3 Assembly

Thank you again to those who came to support our class and see a tiny slice of what we have been getting up to this year!

In case you missed out or want to relive the fun, here are some pictures from the day and the photo video that was shown at the end of our performance.


Miss Ellis

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The Lowry

Last week, Year 3 went on a fantastic trip as part of their Geography and Art topics to learn about Salford and famous artist, L.S. Lowry.

The children got to look at lots of his fantastic paintings and sketches in the galleries and had workshops so that they could paint and sketch like him!

We thoroughly enjoyed our amazing day out and learned lots!

Please enjoy our trip photos! 🙂

Miss Ellis

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Y3’s version of Cave Baby by Julia Donaldson

In Year 3 we are learning about the Stone Age and we found a really great story by Julia Donaldson that linked to this topic.

Cave Baby is a story about a Stone Age baby who gets bored and lonely so he paints over his mother’s cave paintings to make them more interesting. His parents get cross and tell him to behave or he’ll be taken by a woolly mammoth to a big, brown bear!

The children read the story and retold in their own words orally and in their books.

Then, yesterday they looked at how Julia Donaldson’s books rhyme and how this creates a rhythm. We practiced performing the story using actions and the rhythm. After that the children did a fantastic job of creating their own version of some of the verses in groups. They changed the words to create different rhyming couplets and gave the story an interesting, new plot.


[vimeo 121688675]

Stone Age models

Recently in Year 3, we have been learning all about the Stone Age.

The children learned about the different periods within the Stone Age (Paleolithic, Mesolithic and Neolithic) and discovered what their homes would have looked like and been made of.

In groups of 3 and 4 the children then had to design a model of one of the homes. First they had to think about the tools and materials that the Stone Age people would have used and then think of what tools and materials they could use.

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They worked very hard designing, building and working well as a team. All of the designs were unique and looked fantastic!

Manchester Jewish Museum

On Monday 5th January Year 3 had a special visitor who told them a little bit about the Jewish Museum. It made us all feel very excited about our school trip the following day! She even dressed Alfie up in traditional Jewish clothes.IMG_1354IMG_1352

On Tuesday 6th January, Year 3 got on a coach and travelled into Manchester to visit the Manchester Jewish Museum. Before we had even got inside the building the children were impressing the staff with their knowledge of Jewish artefacts, such as the mezuzah on the door post.

When we were inside the helpful ladies explained that the museum had once been a synagogue where the local Jewish community had prayed. The class thought it was beautiful and recognised lots of its features, such as the Torah scrolls and the Ark, from their Judaism lessons with Mrs Murphy.

First the children were asked to sort and describe different Jewish artefacts and then they dressed each other up in traditional Jewish clothes.

riley nathanpat torah


Next then children had to sort out activities and tasks on a whiteboard, based on whether or not Jewish people are able to do them on the Sabbath or not. The children enjoyed planning their own Sabbath activities and looking at all of the Jewish artefacts.


The children also acted out a traditional Jewish ceremony and learned how the Torah scrolls were carried around the synagogue.

jamie myayiyang llearna scrollchn

Finally we took part in a very practical version of the Exodus story. It was lots of fun.


We had a lovely time at the Jewish Museum and learned a lot.

coach home

The festive season

Today was our first day back at school and we were all a little bit sad that Christmas is over. However the children were very excited to talk and write about the fun they had over the holidays. They worked extremely hard and I have really enjoyed reading about all of the exciting things that year 3 got up to!

To cheer us up here are some of the pictures from our very own festive celebrations.

The children performed Christmas poems and songs in class.



We made a Christmas wreath using our hands!


We played with toys, did some Christmas puzzles and pictures and we watched Christmas films.





We had a great disco in the hall with year 4 and played lots of fun party games.




We ate far too much party food!





The school assembly was taken over by dancing elves!




We said good luck and goodbye to Miss Bennett.


We even had a visit from santa !


I hope you had as much fun as we did over Christmas and happy new year from all of year 3.



Our first term in year 3


Our first term is almost over and it has been great!
I have settled into the Deans, the children have settled into the juniors, we’ve had lots of fun and learned so much!
This term we have been learning about Ancient Egypt, magnets and forces, animals and humans, athletics, gymnastics and Judaism. We’ve worked really hard with our reading, writing and numeracy too of course!
We’ve also had lots of treats such as our Halloween disco, a visit from Freddie Fit and super hero day for children in need.

Here are some of my favourite photos from this term. Enjoy!

From Miss Ellis  🙂






























Toby Carvery

Here’s some more photos from our visit to the Toby Carvery this morning

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Forest School – The day in pictures

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What I did in the holidays! By Sol

Guess were I went in the holidays. I to a camping centre  with my church.  We had it in Wales and we did loads of activitys. I went on the giant zip wire ,  we did achery  and other things like caving and rock climbing. Also I my own domotry room shared with some other people.

A Big Surprise! By Marcus .

You will never guess what happened today ! A friend of my mum’s came over and asked us to mind her dog for two months because they were going on holiday for that amount of time ! The dog is only five months old and is really cute! We do not know his species ( husky , German Shepherd etc. ) but it does look like our next door neighbors shi-chi . We also only feed him four times a day every six hours .

Ashdon 2nd pos!!!!!!!

Hi this is my second post and I have moved house. My favouroute game is minecraft what is yours? my favouroute food is noodles. I have two brothers and two sisters. Whana here a joke
Q.why did the orange go blind.
A.cause he was low on vitimin see

What we did for the building work!

For the building work year 3 did lowry. Ruby’s picture got chosen , everybody eles did people. Both Ruby’s, Millie and Dean staid in to go over the pencil marks. On Friday23rd May 2014 it got took back to the building site. Also when we were doing work Kier came in. Everyody but me and Fraya thought it was Mrs Moris. I realy enjoyed making the boards  for the building site.